You can create things that you never could create with pedals without a ton of gear and/or a ton of noise.Īs with many other sims – getting usable clean tones is pretty easy and getting dirty tones that respond the way an amp would is a little trickier. So this particular sample doesn’t sound very guitarish – but that’s part of the reason I really like this approach.

This was made with a FNH ultrasonic guitar, Behringer FCA202, Macbook Pro (2007), and AU Lab. So here is an mp3 of a guitar track I improvised with this setting: I just added a preamp in the beginning of the chain.

Here’s a screen shot of a modification I made on the Outer Space preset. Stereo rigs which you can A/B/Y!!! which alone would have been really cool – but you can use multiple effects in the same rig – something you can’t do on the POD for example. I didn’t get to work with this yet – but this brings the live laptop rig very feasible for me.ģ. 2.0 supports midi – which means you can control it with a foot controller like the FBV shortboard MKII or the Behringer FCB1010. It records output and even generates midi clock! Also it makes a very small cpu impact – so it’s perfect for hosting something like Pod Farm and say SooperLooper.Ģ. It was designed to test AU plug ins with but its a stand alone app with a fully configurable mixer ( inputs, outputs, effects busses). For those of you who don’t know about it (I had to find out about it on the super looper forum) – AU Lab is a free app that comes with the OSX Xcode Tools. The demo version was a little glitchy in standalone version, so I’ve been using it with AU LAB. I won’t be able to post a full review now, but I wanted to post a couple of brief observations.ġ. I’ve taken advantage of Line 6’s free 14 day download of POD Farm Platinum 2.0 ilok version and have been working on formulating somethings for a review.